My husband and I were able to get away overnight this past Friday. It is so important in this intense time of parenting (six kids between the ages of 11yrs down to 20 months, need I say more?) to get away and reconnect. We very rarely, get away longer than overnight, so we have created a series of questions to help us jump right into the heart of issues. We never want to waste a moment of our interrupt-free conversation. The cozy bed and breakfast we stay at really helps.
Usually when my hubbie and I slip away, we find ourselves at Chamblin BookMine.We are attracted by a magnetic force that eminates from the building . . . I guess from the books?!?!? We walked away with a tidy little stack. Fo those who are curious: Draw Real People! by Lee Hammond, Learn to Read Music in 10 Lessons by Terence Ashley, Journey to Jericho by Kaye England, Live Sound Reinforcement :Comprehensive Guide to P.A. & Music Reinforcement Systems & Technology by Scott Hunter Stark and The World of Fashion by Jay and Ellen Diamond. Any guesses on who got what???
We had to drag ourselves away from the treasure trove and race home to make presentable six kiddos for a long-awaited wedding. The Boy was ready to go five minutes after our arrival. He reclined on the couch and read while we dealt with the girls.Sometimes . . . he is just easier. ( Some people give dishes, I give softies:)
Trio ready for their new home.
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