Today was much better. My mom has the summer off and has offered to watch the kiddos every Tuesday.I had really wanted to go to the beach but it poured rain today. So I went to my favorite bookstore. I love walking through bookstores. I find it very soothing. Then I met my hubby for lunch. It wasn't anything fancy but I did get to sit across from him and eat the whole meal without getting up!!! And we did finish a couple of complete sentences. I stopped off at PetSmart to buy food and other necessary things for all the critters in our household. Introducing them all would require a separate post. There are eight of them. Off to Jo Ann's, where I looked through every page of every pattern catalog they had!! Ya-hoo. Wendy (don't ya' love how we are on a first name basis)has two new patterns out. And all the pattern companies have a few retro patterns. I really like this Butterick pattern. Not sure how practical it is for a day with six kiddos but still . . .a girl can dream. I rounded up my day with a quick stop at the grocery store and the library. I arrived home to kids fed and ready for bed. YOU ROCK, MOM!!!! Well, for the three people who read this blog and need to know, I will be out of town for the next four days. Have a wonderful fourth of July!!!
what an awesome gift! Ask your Mom if she would adopt me and then I'll take Thursdays? Oh, and I love your new shirts!!